Book publishing for busy professionals

Have your book written, published, and launched to Best Seller while you focus on all the other things.

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Meet The Founders

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Done-For-You Publishing

You’re busy growing your business - you don’t have time to write a book, let alone run marketing + PR campaigns. We take all that off your plate and handle it for you.


Best Seller Guaranteed

We share your message with the world and ensure the world hears it. We make your book a best seller - guaranteed.


Reach New Heights

Land a TedTalk, start consulting, launch your speaking career. Use your book to generate revenue streams that compound in perpetuity.


Jacqueline Hurst

Best-selling author Jacqueline Hurst made $40k in royalties within nine months of launching her book, How To Do You. She's gone on to sell over 11,000+ copies and climbing!

She's since scaled her coaching business to multiple six figures.


Christine Chang

With the success of her #1 best seller, Show Up, Christine Chang expanded her speaking career and scaled up her coaching client list.

She now has a highly successful podcast.


Jacqueline Hurst

Best-selling author Jacqueline Hurst made $40k in royalties within nine months of launching her book, How To Do You. She's gone on to sell over 11,000+ copies and climbing!

She's since scaled her coaching business to multiple six figures.


Christine Chang

With the success of her #1 best seller, Show Up, Christine Chang expanded her speaking career and scaled up her coaching client list.

She now has a highly successful podcast.


Become a best selling author

We’ve seen firsthand the power of having a best selling book.

Of our 100+ clients, 8 have become multimillionaires, 6 have gone on to do TedTalks, 59 have made multiple 6 figures the year following their book launch, and 24 have secured their dream career transition into corporate consulting!

Are you next?

  • Fully ghostwritten for you

  • Best seller guaranteed

  • Nationwide press release

  • Written features in high-level outlets (ex. Business Insider, Yahoo Finance)

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Become a best selling author

We’ve seen firsthand the power of having a best selling book.

Of our 100+ clients, 8 have become multimillionaires, 6 have gone on to do TedTalks, 59 have made multiple 6 figures the year following their book launch, and 24 have secured their dream career transition into corporate consulting!

Are you next?

  • Fully ghostwritten for you

  • Best seller guaranteed

  • Nationwide press release

  • Written features in high-level outlets (ex. Business Insider, Yahoo Finance)

  • 1 TV spot on a prominent channel (ex. ABC, NBC, FOX)

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